Sunday, March 23, 2014

But like, maybe it would be easier to get out of bed if beds weren't so comfy! You know what I'm saying? People aren't depressed, their beds are just too comfy!

Black and White

It's black or it's white,
Day or night,
Either all of everything
or nothing to be seen.

Either evil or good,
Shouldn't or should,
A success or a failure,
It's dead or it's green.

You're blonde or brunette,
You're Karl or Suzette,
With a bald head or not
and you're dirty or clean.

The present is here,
The destination is there,
And a vast empty air
Fills the space in between.

The destination is far,
Even by car
It would take many years
To arrive.

And going halfway
Would be worthless, I say,
So why even try?