Friday, December 6, 2013

Another sestina born by a pseudo-random word generator

She was in a long, black gown,
reading through the menu
with her spindly hands. Outside there was rain,
the farmer quickly turning over mud with a spade
He had to get in before dark--can you believe it? A witch!
and he didn't want to be her next target.

"It's you! And right on target!"
said the banker who had called the police after spotting the gown.
"I know it's her, the witch,
and danger's on the menu.
I've got my torch, my pitchfork, my spade,
and if she goes after me you'd better believe it's gonna rain".

And indeed, it did rain.
Billie was inside playing darts, always hitting the target
"Was your card a spade?"
asked his brother, practicing magic in his elaborate gown.
"No," sighed Billie, crumpling and tossing an old menu,
"But speaking of magic, have you heard of the witch?"

"Ha! A witch!
Everyone's just upset about all this rain.
Worried about the crops drowning, losing options on Diana's cafe menu,
Worried that we're the target
of God's wrath, of some mage in a gown,
that we're a heap of dirt for the storm to spade."

And just then, she walked in with the farmer's spade,
The witch,
smiling, in her dark, iconic gown.
The wind let in the rain
Through the door, "It's time for target
practice", she said. "I'm hungry and you're on the menu."

"The menu?!"
shouted Billie, "how have you gotten the farmer's spade?"
"He was my target,
and I'm a witch,
What do you expect? That you'll be saved by the rain?"
And with that, she disappeared into her gown.

The gown turned to smoke and like the banker had said, danger was on the menu.
The deafening rain hid the sound of the attacking possessed spade,
She was a witch, and Billie and his brother were her target.

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